
Author Jill A.
Waiting on my second shipment! Listen, this stuff has worked a miracle for me! It has healed stuff in my body that's been bothering me so long til I thought it was normal. All seamoss is not equal! THIS BATCH! Whew! I don't know if it's the ingredients, her prayers or my consistency! Either way... It's all working together!

Marilyn W.
I have been taking the sea moss with burdock and bladder wrack. Moving into week three, I have more energy and I am moving with less pain. I can walk without limping and three a.m. wake-ups from pain are happening less frequently. I can't wait to get my doctor's repost on my blood sugar and blood pressure.

Portia C.
Have you tried Sea Moss? Well it's the best thing going! I add it to my smoothies and oatmeal. It's made a big difference to me and my husbands aching bones and joints. Some days I feel like I can ease on down the road like Dorothy in the Wiz. Age brings about a change but Sea Moss shole is assisting me in moving better.