Ordained Elder
M.S. - Sports Nutrition
B.S. - Sports Medicine
A.A.S - Fitness and Exercise
Licensed Group Instructor
Certified Personal Trainer, and more to come.
This wellness journey started for me while watching my father go from one medication to another and nothing provided a cure, just a temporary fix. It was so disheartening that I thought, "there has to be a better way." So, I started looking into natural things. It has been eye-opening and an awakening to see how many natural things there are that do not contain all the prescribed side-effects as synthetic medications. I wondered why there are so many Christians suffering from illness and disease when we are the ones that are supposed to be the greatest example of what the Bible declares, healing! We have been conditioned to think that we must live with some type of affliction, but "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."
I have always believed that I had the gift of healing but not from laying on of hands, per se, on an actual body. However, I personally make every jar, and touch it as I pray over it. He has anointed me and my hands for this and I feel blessed and humbled.
I receive much delight in knowing that am used as the catalyst to ignite a change of mind and healing in God's people, that I have assisted in possibly transforming someone's life. I believe that we all inherently have a gift that is able to reach the masses. This is one of mine!
I speak life and healing to every person and in every portion that is ingested. May Jehovah Rapha intercept everything that the enemy sets in motion that is contrary to HIS word. Be ye healed! In Jesus name. Amen.
I am here to change the narrative and total perception of holistic health and aid "ALL" in becoming whole.
With all my love and "kare".....